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Featured user: @ilmatokanovic

ShopLook featured user ilmatokanovic

This week is your chance to get to know @ilmatokanovic (or just Ilma) a little bit better. She is our latest featured user and her ShopLook feed is like a masterclass in curation; her use of consistent design elements make her outfits unmistakable amongst the crowd.

We’ve included just a handful of our favorite designs from her feed and included her full Q&A below.



How long have you been creating outfits or designing sets? What inspired you to get started?

I think 2 years or more, I can’t remember. I started with polyvore until they deleted it. And then I made a profile on ShopLook and I love this app so much.

Give us a fun fact that people might not know about you.

There are so many things but one of them is that I am obsessed with coats and small bags.

Tell us about the current wallpaper on your phone.

It’s a marble wallpaper with a quote that says “God is within her, she will not fail”. It’s a quote that motivates me every day to work even harder and not be afraid.

If you had to choose only one album to listen to on repeat for a full week, what would it be?

Some album from JLo, I love her.

What is your dream job?

I love medicine and fashion, and my dream job could be a doctor or stylist. I love helping people in any way and making them happy.

Tell us about one (or more) of your style icons.

I don’t have a style icon but I do like the styles of Victoria Fox, Gigi Hadid and Melania Trump.

If you had to choose one thing to wear with every outfit for an entire month, what would it be and why?

High black boots, because I can wear them with dresses, skirts, coats and black jeans.

Tell us about something that you would NEVER wear.

Oxford shoes, I don’t like it.

Tell us about something you recently purchased and absolutely LOVE.

It's a Zara balck blazer dress with gold buttons.

For others looking to improve their creative process, what is your best piece of advice?

Always be yourself and believe in yourself. And never never copy someone else’s outfit.


Outside of her ShopLook feed, you can also follow Ilma on Instagram here. Our featured users never cease to amaze! Come back next week to learn about another one of our amazing users.


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