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Featured User: @elenaz

Meet our featured user this week @elenaz. Elena (real name) is from Indonesia and she’s only 17 years old. I am always blown away by what young ShopLook users create, and Elena is no exception. Along with style chops, she has a great eye for visual design. Finding a way to fill an entire blank canvas while still maintaining a clean visual aesthetic is harder than it sounds!

Keep scrolling for a selection of her favorite creations and her full Q&A.


Favorite fashion decade?

I love 2010-2021 fashion decade

When you start a new design, where do you begin?

The first thing is a square shape, so I can easily crop and place the outfits with a square frame, and basically before I start to create a set, I love to see my wardrobe or find some inspo from models/celebrities.

Describe your personal style in three words:

Trendy, simple, teen

Style icons?

Kendall Jenner, and Hailey Bieber

If you had to choose one thing to wear with every outfit for a week, what would you choose?

White crop top tee, because you can use a white tee in every place. And, it’s easy to combine/mix and match with other outfits. You can combine it with a blazer, with a coat or jacket, with mini plaid skirt, sweatpants, and easy to add every color or pattern (gold/silver jewelry, patterned pants/jacket/bag/shoes) etc.

Something you would never wear?

Bralette or something refer to the bra trends

Something you would like to wear but haven’t?

Full pattern (zebra jacket and zebra pants with white tee, etc)

What is something that you (almost) always include in your sets?

Tops, pants, and shoes

Are there any fellow ShopLook users that inspire you?

@Adrienne - She is so creative in designing every outfit,

@alldressedupbutnowheretogo, I really love the colors of each set!

Do you have any advice for others looking to improve their creative process?

Create a set that’s really you! Every woman has their own taste in fashion. Let your ideas and what you love turn into fashion.

Current iPhone wallpaper?

It was only white, but my lock screen is cotton candy sky (something aesthetic with the sky)

Fun fact about you?

Just turned 17 in 2020 and I am in High School

If you had to choose one album to listen to on repeat for a week, what would it be?

To be honest, this is the hardest question, but if I had to choose - New Blood by Yellow Claw

Recent purchase that you absolutely love?

Crop top tee - I am in love with crop tops right now

Are there any trends you once tried but now make you cringe?

Yes ofc! Fringe trends! It was a trend and I have 1-2 bags with fringe style, but I don't think it looks so good on me.

Dream job?

Fashion influencer

Real-life job or area or study?

I really love science, chemistry and fashion design.

How long have you been creating outfits?

It was about 4 years ago, while Polyvore still existed. My friend told me to download that app because most of my friends know that I’m good with fashion. Then I started creating outfits with Polyvore, but when Polyvore was bought by ssense I couldn’t make or share my outfit inspo. So, I tried to find another app. Finally I found ShopLook, where I still can share and create outfits that I like. Thank you so much!

Do you have a nickname or a name friends call you?

El/len/lena/lele, basically it's from my first name (Elena)

What do all of the best outfit sets have in common for you?

Design, the colors or pattern, the outfit combination, and the aesthetic of the set.


Follow @elenaz on ShopLook if you don’t already, and check out more of her amazing style on Instagram: @sixlenas


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